Monthly Archives: April 2018

Conversing Birds

I flopped into the couch and sighed loudly. He looked up, amused. I sighed again and pouted.

“It’s so difficult being real.”

“Why is that?”

“There’s so much hatred and self-centeredness out there. There’s just no point. No one cares anymore.”

He closed the book.

“What do you propose to do then?”

“Oh I don’t know, maybe I’ll just not go out that much anymore. It’s all so tiring.”

“Listen. What do you hear right now, outside the window?”

If there were such a thing as squinting my ears, that was what I did right then.

“I don’t hear anything.”

“Listen carefully.”

It was then that I heard it. The quiet chirping of a bird. But it was so soft that I would not have noticed it.

“It’s a bird chirping.”

“That’s right. Now, listen again and tell me what you hear.”

This time, I was getting the hang of this little exercise.

“Ah, there’s another bird. No, wait actually there’re two more.”

The birds were sounding pretty lovely actually, sort of like they were having an animated conversation.

“You see, the first little bird was just chirping the way he knows how to. The way he should. That is his nature.”

“And at first, he was just chirping by himself. But then, you heard another one responding to him. And there was a third. And it all started sounding pretty amazing. It became a beautiful three-voice song.”

He looked at me, smiling.

“But here’s the thing. No one could hear him at first. And even when he could be heard, not everyone likes his song.”

“Still, he continued singing that melody, not changing it or replicating another bird’s tune, because that’s what he was made to sing.”

“He’s just being himself. He’s being real.”

“And look what happened: other birds came. They understood what he was singing and responded to him, and now they’re having a mighty fine session.”

“I think I know what you’re saying…”

He gave me a wink before reopening the book.

“You do.”

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Filed under faith, feelings, friends, God, love, music, nature, trust, writing

Daily Prompt: Parallel

In a parallel universe
We could be sitting before
Each other, taking in every
Nuance of our connection;
And our souls would meet
On such spiritual planes
That they would flow and
Weave us together again.


Filed under emotions, feelings, friends, love, poetry, writing

Daily Prompt: Genie

We could be genies
Granting wishes that
We wish to grant.

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Filed under culture, poetry, style, writing

The Bachata – Part Three

As the music began, she drew him in, feeling his breath on her cheek.

“Come closer a little.”

His hand was travelling down her body, coming to rest at the small concave low at her back. She gasped at the sensation of his fingers on her skin; it brought back memories from so long ago that she thought she had left behind.

And as they danced, each move was a step back in time, each gaze a stronger stirring in their souls, and each turn closer to sweet destruction.

That dance filled the whole room, so much that everything had to melt away. All she could hear was the poignant beauty of the song in her blood; all she could feel were his hands on her skin and his breath on her lips.

He had that look in his eyes, that same desirous look of fever and wild that she remembered. The rhythm was pounding in her ears now, and all she knew was how perfectly their movements connected her to him and him her.

It was as if they had never parted, and the bachata plays, timeless.

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Filed under culture, emotions, feelings, friends, love, music, novelette, writing

The Bachata – Part Two

She stood before him and he caught the scent of her perfume in her hair. Leaning in with his lips close at her ear, he spoke in a low voice.

“Do you know that you are the most beautiful here?”

“What do you mean?”

She could feel her face flushing and his intent gaze on her.

“Simply that you are the most interesting, elegant and beautiful woman.”

“Do you want to dance with me now?”

Before she could answer, he had taken her hand in his and wrapped his other arm around her waist. Still blushing, she draped hers around his neck. An upbeat percussion rhythm began and the musicians took the cue.

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Filed under culture, emotions, feelings, friends, love, music, novelette, style, writing

The Bachata – Part One

Something I promised a friend; part one first while the rest writes itself, in due time. 😉

Dimly lit and cosy, the interior of the bar contrasted sharply with the summer sidewalks and idyllic outdoors.

She made her way casually, yet not undeliberately down the hallway. The men glanced up and stared; they always do. But she was not distracted.

And there he was.

Tailored blue jacket thrown over white linen shirt and fitted blue jeans, accompanied by the usual glass of red and an air of relaxed elegance, at the far table beside the curtained windows.

She turned and walked in his direction, a slight smile turning up the corners of her mouth as he looked up that instance and saw her. He smiled, then got up as she arrived at the table.

“It’s been a while.”

“Indeed; how have you been?”

“Well, life goes on.”

“Like a bachata.”

“Yes, we dance – sad words to beautiful melodies – and that makes life more bearable.”

A smile in his eyes, and she could not help smiling back. Linking her arm in his, they walked down together to the dance floor.

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Filed under culture, emotions, feelings, friends, love, music, novelette, poetry, style, writing


Where intensity meets
Smoothness; kick in with your
Sweet strength, loaded.

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Filed under coffee, emotions, feelings, love, poetry, style, writing

Deja Vu: Translated

Heard this by chance and was immediately smitten, so
Here’s the English sing-able true-to-meaning translation.
(Well, as far as possible. ;))

Like a fresh lemon tequila
With a dash of salt you flavour
Same old wounds, the same old song
Well, it’s the same old story
Like the way you would have told me
Déjà vu, an endless song
(Tú me abriste las heridas que ya daba por curadas
Con limón, tequila y sal
Una historia repetida
Solamente un déjà vu que nunca llega a su final)

Oh, I’m better solo
To forget your eyes, your touch and let you go
Oh, I’d dance alone
To forget that we had ever had it all
This bachata, hipocresía total
(Mejor me quedo solo
Y me olvido de tus cosas, de tus ojos
Mejor esquivo el polvo
No quiero caer de nuevo en esa foto
De locura, hipocresía total)

I’ll never love anymore
Leave, turn and tango
One last dance now from me with just a song
I’ll never love anymore
Like our bachata
Just a last dance for me in a song
Don’t say you love me anymore
I won’t speak of love
Won’t speak of love anymore
No, won’t speak of your love no more
(¿Quién puede hablar del amor y defenderlo?
Que levante la mano por favor
¿Quién puede hablar del dolor y pagar la fianza?
Pa’ que salga de mi corazón
Si alguien va a hablar del amor
Te lo aseguro, esa no voy a ser yo
No, esa no voy a ser yo)

It’s her idea, rewind and then play
To cajole and tease, she then sways
And my mind and soul restir
Well, it’s the same old story
Like the way you would have told me
Déjà vu, an endless song
(Esta idea recurrente
Quiere jugar con mi mente pa’ volverme a engatusar
Una historia repetida
Solamente un déjà vu que nunca llega a su final)

And oh, I’d stay alone
To forget your eyes, your touch and let you go
Oh, I’d dance alone
To forget that we had ever had it all
This bachata, de hipocresía total
(Mejor me quedo sola
Y me olvido de tus cosas, de tus ojos
Mejor esquivo el polvo
No quiero caer de nuevo en esa foto
De locura, de hipocresía total)

I’ll never love anymore
Leave, turn and tango
One last dance from me with just a song
I’ll never love anymore
Like our bachata
Just a last dance for me in a song
Don’t say you love me anymore
I won’t speak of love
Won’t speak of love anymore
(¿Quién puede hablar del amor y defenderlo?
Levante la mano por favor
¿Quién puede hablar del dolor y pagar la fianza?
Pa’ que salga de mi corazón
Si alguien va a hablar del amor
Te lo aseguro, esa no voy a ser yo)

I’ll never love anymore
Leave, turn and tango
One last dance now from me with just a song
I’ll never love anymore
Like our bachata
Just a last dance for me in a song
Don’t say you love me anymore
I won’t speak of love
Won’t speak of love anymore
Won’t speak of your love no more
(¿Quién puede hablar del amor y defenderlo?
Que levante la mano por favor
¿Quién puede hablar del dolor y pagar la fianza?
Pa’ que salga de mi corazón
Si alguien va a hablar del amor
Te lo aseguro esa no voy a ser yo
Esa no voy a ser yo)


Filed under culture, emotions, feelings, love, music, style

Daily Prompt: Thwart

Sundays are meant
To be slow and sultry
Tousled thoughts and
Late-up sheets.

Unfortunately, I’m working.

Or is it? 🙂

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Filed under emotions, feelings, love, poetry, style, writing


If you reel me in,
We’re probably pieces from
The same bale of thread.

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Filed under emotions, feelings, friends, love, poetry, style, writing