Monthly Archives: October 2013

Daily Prompt: Trick or Treat

Halloween’s the time
To go trick or treat
Here’s some wicked goodies
For a nasty little feast

Some tarantula proses
Hair-raising lines of eight
A dish of squirmish writing
Slithering into your head

Have some sinister wordplay
Soaked in bloodied gore
Or how about noir fiction
Suspended in grey terror

Pray, have some desserts too
Of skulls and bones haiku
Topped with a hint of witchery
Oh such a hideous brew!


Filed under culture, poetry, writing

Daily Prompt: First!

Today was the first time
I hesitate
Deciding on the options
On my plate

My husband sighed, and my
Friends shook their heads
Never knew contemplating
Could keep me awake

I guess some sleep will
Make clear my fate
Tomorrow I shall follow my
Heart, not my head!


Filed under emotions, feelings, writing

Daily Prompt: Pep Rally

Take a deep breath
Make a cuppa brew
Go for a walk outside
To keep your head cool

Chillax, let it go
Ain’t worth the attention
At the end earthly trivias
Are of no consequence

If it’s something you have to do
That you can’t squirm from
Remember what doesn’t kill you
Makes you strong

Connivers, cheaters, bootlickers
And manipulators too
Are all not worth your heartache
So don’t give ’em a hoot

Focus instead on the
More important things in life
Like your family and real friends
That are truly worth your time.


Filed under emotions, feelings, poetry, writing

Daily Prompt: Seven Wonders

Neither seen nor
Heard, but


Filed under poetry, writing

Daily Prompt: The Golden Hour

The last stillness
Of the night broken
Lonely, the first bird
Chirps for her companions
Soon darkness will
Lift her velvet veil
To peek at his first lights
The morning sun.


Filed under nature, writing

Weekly Photo Challenge: Horizon

I am not a big fan of bodies of water, preferring vast stretches of green meadows against bright blue skies instead. Yet this shot taken on an occasional evening stroll is actually quite lovely.

The lake quietly reflects the evening sun’s last rays with the muted brilliance of a pearl while the darkened greenery frames the horizon with its contrast. Yet what I love most is the beautiful hues in the sky, watched by the knowing boughs and sleepy leaves, where calm blue always melts into warm, fiery blinding orange, a last climatic bow before the day relinquishes itself to the night.



Filed under feelings, nature

Daily Prompt: Breakdown

Today’s prompt came
Too difficult to relate
Spent the whole evening
Cracking my head

Wondering which habit
To put to the axe
Till I took out my phone
In my time of rest

Whatsapps, emails
And status updates too
They shouldn’t be checked
When family’s with you

(But when it comes to writing
That simply won’t do
Cuz it just wouldn’t stop
Not even in the loo!)


Filed under writing

Daily Prompt: Simply the Best

I would say

Inquisitivity of thought
Creativity of mind
Resilience, faith and strength
Awareness of humanity
Kindness and respect


Filed under culture, writing

Daily Prompt: Express Yourself

Whoa… sorry for the late post – was kept busy with the assignment. So, today is about the mismatch between thoughts and words.

What could be the barriers?

1. Being in-between nuances of that thing I am supposed to describe.

For example, maybe a client wants me to describe a certain dessert that’s not sugar-candy kinda sweet, but well kinda like a wafting, not too powering thing on the tongue etc. something that I have absolutely no gauge on the exactness of. In such a time, a good imagination with some projectile function comes in handy.

2. Not having a clear/precise visual image or voice in my head.

I think for me, it is important to have a visual image of the idea in my head before I begin writing. I think that I think in pictures. Even when creating voiceover scripts or corporate profiles etc stuff. And as I was just musing on my POVs, it is ALWAYS a male in my head *augh*.

3. Not enough sleep/coffee.

Right about after I finish this post I’m going to hit the sack, because I’ve been working on my course assignment the whole day and my grey cell count is down to zilch (and it’s too late in the night for a cuppa). Which probably explains why I am writing sans alot of descriptives that I am so used to using in my stuff.

I hope there are no errors here lol… here’s a song that kinda says how those barriers feel like. But as they say:
It’s just a moment
This time will pass 😉


Filed under feelings, writing

Daily Prompt: As Seen on TV

Was deliberating on whether I should attempt this one, then this short prose popped in!

Thoughts for writing
Writing for thoughts
For some eclectic ramblings
Visit Awl & Scribe’s blog.


Filed under writing